
I am from Lake Constance at the border of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where I’m also living with my Peruvian wife and our three children.

I’m derviş of Şerif Baba and participating in Sufiland, the school of the Nakşibendi Sufi order at Lake Constance.

I also participate in the school of Uttam, Escuela Camino 4, with the Sacred Dances and teachings of Gurdjieff.

I got to know Stephan, the founder of MPL, in Peru, where I lived for 10 years.

I worked there as tour guide and I love diving with other human beings into the essence of this enigmatical land together with local shamans in the very high mountains , in the magical rainforest or in the enigmatical archeological sites of the various cultures which lived on these mysterious places.

I offer travels to experience the uniquenes of the Andes, the Inka sites, Ayahuasca, San Pedro, initiations with local shamans and a 3 day silent retreat on an island in Lake Titicaca. My vision for this world is the construction of a United Spirit, where spiritual masters of all kind of different religions and spiritualities come together and do a step towards each other.

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