How The Process Works

The Palm Leaves are an Expression of Love.

Finding your Palm Leaf is a complex process that involves many steps and people. We invite you to feel into this beautiful process, the love and care within it, and how the universe conspired over millennia to help you at this very moment in your life and soul journey.


The Rishis

Wise masters who could see through time foresaw your life thousands of years ago and wrote it down on palm leaves.



All you need to find your palm leaf is your thumbprint, your gender and your country of birth.


The Search

Depending on the thumbprint pattern, bundles of palm leaves are selected from the palm leaf library.



In a Zoom conversation, your palm leaf is identified from the bundles of palm leaves.


The Reading

After your palm leaf has been found, the summary of your future life will be read to you.



The palm leaves contain advice on how you can overcome karmic blockages and live a more fulfilling life.

Find your palm leaf!

All you need to start searching for your Palm Leaf is your fingerprint

If you need a translation into another language, we can do it for you.

If we cannot find your palm leaf within 3 suitable dates, we will refund you the full amount.

The details of the Palm Leaf Reading Process

The Rishis – Authors of the palm leaves

The legends say that the Rishis were a group of sages that are believed to have had life spans of hundreds and thousands of years. They lived over the last millennia in India and are said to be the authors of the Palm Leaves.

The Rishis had the ability to look through time and perceive the journeys of countless souls, living in all ages until the year 2050.

They wrote down what they perceived, together with recommendations and guidance, on how to live one’s life in the most meaningful way. This included how to transform negative karmic influences.

It begins with your thumbprint

The search for your Palm Leaf begins with your thumbprint. This, along with your country of birth, is all the information required to search for the bundle of Palm Leaves that hopefully contain your leaf.

While every individual thumbprint is unique, there are up to 108 patterns of thumbprints. It is according to these patterns that the Palm Leaves are organised in the libraries.

Women are required to give their left thumbprint, and men to give their right.

How to make a Thumbprint

  • You will need an ink pad and a piece of paper. If you don’t have an ink pad, you can ask in a store or office if you can use theirs, or just buy one in an office supply store or online.
  • Press your left (if you are a woman) or right (if you are a man) thumb on the ink pad and then press it onto the piece of paper. Experiment with different intensities of ink and make sure the lines are clearly visible. Ideally, put a few prints (of the same thumb) onto the paper.
  •  Write the date, your gender, and country of birth on the paper and take a photo.
  •  Send the photo to us.

The Search for your Palm Leaf

The Palm Leaf Libraries.

The Palm Leaves are stored in the Palm Leaf Libraries that are located mainly in the south of India.

Once we have received your thumbprint, the reader in India will go to the library to ask the librarian, who is also a priest, to search for the bundles that might contain your leaf.

In the library, the leaves are organized in bundles that usually share similar patterns of thumbprints. These bundles are also organized according to the time period in which the seeker is destined to come and search for their leaf.

Divination Ritual

The priest might identify hundreds of bundles that potentially contain your leaf.

With these bundles, he will perform a secret divination ritual as well as prayers, and will pick a few bundles that he will give to the Palm Leaf Reader.

The Matching Process

How the Matching Process works:

You will be on a zoom call with the Palm leaf Reader and a translator.

The Palm Leaf reader is highly trained in the ancient art of reading the Palm Leaves. This takes a lot of skill and training as they are written in the symbolic and poetic ancient Tamil language. He will read out loud what is written on the leaf, and the translator will translate this into modern English for you.

They will read out statements that are describing the person the Palm Leaf is speaking about.

Typical such statements are:

“You are married”
“You have 3 siblings”
“The name of your mother is ____”

If the statement is true for you, please answer with either:

  • YES
  • NO
  • I am not sure

If you either do not know the answer or are not sure how to answer because it is complex, simply say “I don’t know”. When you answer with NO, that leaf will be turned down and a statement from the next leaf in the bundle is read. If you answer YES or I am not sure, the next statement from that same leaf will be read.

When your leaf is in the bundle, at some point all the answers will be clearly a YES, which is how you know that your individual Palm Leaf has been identified. Your leaf usually contains your name, the names of your parents and possibly other important relatives, and life circumstances. When your leaf is found, you will also feel it 🙂

The Ancient Tamil language

The Palm Leaves were written in the ancient Tamil language. It is a very poetic symbol and sound-based language, unlike English which is a western-based language. The role of the translator is very important as he not only gives a direct translation but puts it into a context that is understandable for the western mind.

For example, the palm leaf might say about the seeker:
“He is sitting in big halls, reading books and learning about the rules and customs of his society”

And the translator might translate this into:
“You are studying law”.

In this way, the ancient palm leaves described many things of today, including technologies, that did not exist thousands of years ago

Tamil Time Cycles

The Tamil Time Cycles are calculated differently than the western calendar. The Tamil names of the months are stated in the Palm Leaf.

For example, if you are born in “Chithirai”, the reader would say:
“You are born in April or May”.

In the same way, the years have individual names that repeat themselves every 60 years. The Tamil year “Prabhava”, for example, describes the western year 1987-1988, but also from 1927-1928 and 1867-1868.

We hope it will be obvious in which of these cycles you were born 🙂

The Palm Leaf Reading process

When your personal Palm Leaf is identified, the general chapter of your leaf will be read to you which contains an overview of your life in all its areas.

The reading will also contain chapter 14, which describes the “remedies”. These are recommendations on how to transform karmic blockages.

May it shed light on your life’s path and give you the insights you are looking for.

After the Reading

After the reading, we recommend you to take some time and integrate the experience. You are not just receiving intellectual information, but a wider perspective on your life that usually has deep after effects.

Even just the fact that your life was predicted with such accuracy many thousands of years ago, and the knowledge that the blessing of the Rishis is upon you, will have a deep impact.

You will also receive a video recording of the reading, and we recommend you listen to it at least one more time.

If you feel a wish to know more details about certain areas of your life, you can ask to hear more chapters, which will be searched for in different libraries.

Additional Chapters – The Kandams

Besides the general chapter and chapters 13 + 14, which you hear in the reading, there can be up to 11 more chapters, that describe a different aspect of one’s life in detail.

Chapter 13 is only available for some people and if it is available, it is included in the first reading.

The additional chapters can be read in a separate reading after the reading of the general chapter.

The 14 chapters are:

  1. General chapter (you heard it already)
  2. Education & Wealth
  3. Siblings
  4. Your mother. Material aspects like house, land, vehicles and material comfort
  5. Children
  6. Enemies and Diseases
  7. Marriage/Relationships
  8. Life span
  9. Your father and ancestors. Your spiritual path.
  10. Career/Job/Business
  11.  Luck, profits, potential second marriage
  12. Foreign connection and next incarnation.
  13. Previous birth and old Karma
  14. Energetic remedies to improve your life path. (you heard it already)

You can book each chapter here.

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