Blogi ja artiklid

detsember 28, 2024
Vedic & Western Astrology:

Astrology, a celestial science, has been a significant aspect of various cultures, guiding individuals in understanding their destinies and the mysteries of the universe. Two prominent branches of astrology, Vedic and Western, have intrigued scholars and enthusiasts alike, each offering a unique lens through which to view the cosmos and human existence. ORIgins and philosophical […]

detsember 23, 2024
Ettevalmistused oma Palm Leaf Reading

Oma palmulehe otsimine on sügav ja ilus protsess. Protsess avaneb täielikult koos oma transformatiivse mõjuga, kui te kaalute oma peopesalehtede lugemiseks nõuetekohast ettevalmistust. Seetõttu käsitletakse käesolevas artiklis lugemiseks valmistumist nii sisemiselt kui ka praktiliselt. Protsess algab teadvustamisega See algab kõigepealt selle protsessi keerulise ilu teadvustamisest. Kui liigutav on see, et üks valgustatud olend on tajunud […]

oktoober 3, 2023
Jumalik ühendus: Hanuman, Saturn ja teie peopesalehtede lugemine: Hanuman, Saturn ja teie peopesalehtede lugemine

Jumalik ühendus: Hanuman, Saturn ja teie peopesalehtede lugemine: Hanuman, Saturn ja teie peopesalehtede lugemine Kui teil on hiljuti olnud ainulaadne kogemus peopesalehtede lugemisest meie spetsialiseeritud teenuste kaudu, olete võib-olla kohanud soovitusi, mis on seotud lord Hanumani ja planeediga Saturn. See ei ole juhuslik soovitus. See on sügavalt juurdunud aspekt vedalikust astroloogiast ja vaimsusest. Selles artiklis […]

november 15, 2022
The Sacred Realm of Shambhala

Shambala is an oasis of compassion, love, freedom and light in a desert of ignorance and materialism. – Sahajananda There are many legends surrounding the sacred realm of Shambhala. Some saw it as a physical location. A paradise/eutopia hidden high in the Himalaya. To others, it is a mysterious land inside the (apparently) hollow earth, […]

august 25, 2022
The Saptarishi – The 7 Great Vedic Sages

The Vedas are the earliest known works of spiritual literature on the planet. These and other great scriptures, for instance, Mahabharata and Ramayana, contain the stories of the Saptarishi, or seven great sages. These sages are the sons of the mighty Brahma. He sent them to earth, thus supporting the spiritual evolution of humanity and […]

juuni 26, 2022
Kes on Sri Agastya Maharishi?

Kes on Sri Agastya Maharishi? Sri Agastya (mõnikord kirjutatakse ka Agathiyar või Agasti) on Saptarishi põhimõte. Saptarishi on 7 väga tähtsat vaimset meistrit, kes pärinevad Indias veedade ajastust. Nad koostasid palmilehtede käsikirju, andsid oma panuse meditsiini, astroloogia, grammatika ja isegi võitluskunstide vallas ning koostasid palju olulisi tekste. Arvestades, et Sri Agastya on nii hinnatud mitte […]

juuni 15, 2022
The Grace of the Palm Leaf Prophecies

“What if you could consciously connect with [the subtle level of this reality] and feel it unconditionally holding you, supporting, guiding and loving you in every aspect of your life?” Subtle Dimension of Grace?What if there was a subtle dimension of this reality that literally emanated love and support for this world and everyone in […]

september 2, 2021
Maharishis and Nadi Astrology

The palm leaf manuscripts and the Nadi astrology predictions they contain were written by Siddhas, Maharishis and scholars. They wrote these texts were written in several different languages. We know that scholars are specialists in a particular field of study or academics, but who are these Siddhas or rishis? SIDDHAS, MAHARISHIS, AND NADI ASTROLOGY Siddhas […]

Leia oma Palmileht!

  • Kõik, mida vajate oma palmilehe otsima hakkamiseks, on teie pöidlajälg.
  • Kui vajad tõlget teise keelde, saame seda Sinu jaoks teha.
  • Kui me ei leia Sinu palmilehte 3 sobiva kuupäeva jooksul, tagastame Sulle kogu summa.
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