
Born in Germany, I currently live in west-central Germany.

I have accumulated many and very diverse life experiences, experienced many beautiful and extraordinary things, but I have also suffered difficult moments and losses. I carry the experiences of my immersion in Brazil, South Africa, and Russia with me throughout the world as a particularly precious treasure.

The things that keep the world together are particularly close to my heart, and I have decided to devote the coming years of my life above all to the GOOD-TRUE-BEAUTIFUL.

Life seems to me like a puzzle that must be pieced together until my own, most authentic image emerges: my “know thyself.”

Since childhood, I have “known” that we live in a magical-mystical world, and my favorite activity has always been the study of spirituality. I became involved early on in the teachings of humanity and research into the afterlife, as this gives my soul a sigh of relief. For several years, I have been studying Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy and its Christian origins and background, to which ancient Vedic wisdom has also been added.
In my current phase of life, it is important for me to do something for people. My own palm leaf told me to use my voice to do this. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate directly in the divine and ingenious perfection behind every life destiny through working with MyPalmleaf and moderating readings. This helps to make me realize that ultimately everything is connected, and this makes me grateful and also humble.

I am convinced that we all play our part in the great project of the world. The more each individual recognizes themselves and the common threads of their own life and lives their task, the sooner we will be able to live our incarnations here on Earth together as a new and ever more conscious humanity.

If I can support you on your palm leaf reading journey, I look forward to getting to know you and your unique life. NAMASTE

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