Blogg og artikler

desember 28, 2024
Vedic & Western Astrology:

Astrology, a celestial science, has been a significant aspect of various cultures, guiding individuals in understanding their destinies and the mysteries of the universe. Two prominent branches of astrology, Vedic and Western, have intrigued scholars and enthusiasts alike, each offering a unique lens through which to view the cosmos and human existence. ORIgins and philosophical […]

desember 23, 2024
Forberedelse til håndbladlesning

Å søke etter ditt palmeblad er en dyp og vakker prosess. Prosessen vil utfolde seg fullt ut med sin transformative effekt, når du tenker på å forberede deg på riktig måte til din håndbladlesning. Derfor vil denne artikkelen ta for seg forberedelsene til lesingen, både internt og praktisk. Prosessen begynner med bevissthet Dette begynner først […]

oktober 3, 2023
Den guddommelige forbindelsen: Hanuman, Saturn og din håndbladlesning

Den guddommelige forbindelsen: Hanuman, Saturn og din håndbladlesning Hvis du nylig har hatt den unike opplevelsen av en håndbladlesning gjennom våre spesialiserte tjenester, har du kanskje støtt på anbefalinger relatert til Lord Hanuman og planeten Saturn. Dette er ikke et tilfeldig forslag. Det er et dypt forankret aspekt av vedisk astrologi og spiritualitet. I denne […]

november 15, 2022
The Sacred Realm of Shambhala

Shambala is an oasis of compassion, love, freedom and light in a desert of ignorance and materialism. – Sahajananda There are many legends surrounding the sacred realm of Shambhala. Some saw it as a physical location. A paradise/eutopia hidden high in the Himalaya. To others, it is a mysterious land inside the (apparently) hollow earth, […]

august 25, 2022
The Saptarishi – The 7 Great Vedic Sages

The Vedas are the earliest known works of spiritual literature on the planet. These and other great scriptures, for instance, Mahabharata and Ramayana, contain the stories of the Saptarishi, or seven great sages. These sages are the sons of the mighty Brahma. He sent them to earth, thus supporting the spiritual evolution of humanity and […]

juni 26, 2022
Hvem er Sri Agastya Maharishi?
juni 15, 2022
The Grace of the Palm Leaf Prophecies

“What if you could consciously connect with [the subtle level of this reality] and feel it unconditionally holding you, supporting, guiding and loving you in every aspect of your life?” Subtle Dimension of Grace?What if there was a subtle dimension of this reality that literally emanated love and support for this world and everyone in […]

september 2, 2021
Maharishis and Nadi Astrology

The palm leaf manuscripts and the Nadi astrology predictions they contain were written by Siddhas, Maharishis and scholars. They wrote these texts were written in several different languages. We know that scholars are specialists in a particular field of study or academics, but who are these Siddhas or rishis? SIDDHAS, MAHARISHIS, AND NADI ASTROLOGY Siddhas […]

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