Additional Chapter Reading

€79 Onwards
Service includes
  • Reading of your chosen chapters by the palm leaf library
  • Moderation of the reading by MPL moderator
  • Video recording
Palm leaves contain up to 14 chapters, each one devoted to a certain topic of a person's life. General chapter is included in the reading so additional chapters can only be read after you have taken your General Chapter reading. Haven't taken General Chapter Reading yet? get it here. Below, you can select a reading service of any additional chapter. The special chapters are longer and more detailed than the regular chapters.
Save upto
with Bundle Offer
  • Book 1 Chapter | €79+taxes /chapter
  • Book 2 Chapters | €59+taxes /chapter
  • Book 3 Chapters and more | €49+taxes /chapter

All chapter readings are done in English by the palm leaf library.
We highly recommend adding the translation service to ensure the best experience in your language.

  • Select language
  • Select language
Total Amount
Show details
Finding leaf + General chapter reading
*Prices include taxes based on your location and will update when you enter your billing address at checkout.
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