How the Process Works

Find my Leaf

The Palm Leaves are an Expression of Love

Finding your palm leaf is a complex process that involves many steps and people. We invite you to feel into this beautiful process, the love and care within it, and how the universe conspired over millennia to help you at this very moment in your life and soul journey.

  • Thumbprint

    All you need to find your palm leaf is your thumbprint, your gender and your country of birth.

  • The Search

    Depending on the thumbprint pattern, bundles of palm leaves are selected from the palm leaf library.

  • Identification

    In a Zoom call, your palm leaf is identified from the bundles of palm leaves.

  • The Reading

    After your palm leaf has been found, the summary of your future life will be read to you.

  • Remedies

    The palm leaves contain advice on how you can overcome karmic blockages and live a more fulfilling life.

Find your Palm Leaf!

  • All you need to start searching for your palm leaf is your thumbprint.
  • If you need a translation into another language, we can do it for you.
  • If we cannot find your palm leaf within 3 suitable dates, we will refund you the full amount.

The Details of the Palm Leaf Reading Process

Book Reading