Nadi Astrology and Karma From Past Lives

Nadi astrology is a means of hearing future predictions written for people thousands of years ago. Nadi astrology and Karma relates specifically to past life circumstances. These predictions were written on palm leaves by various saptarishi (seven rishis). To learn about these saptarishi, check out this article about The Authors of the Palm Leaves. These palm leaves have been stacked, preserved and stored for many generations in temple libraries throughout India.

Nadi astrology predicts both advantageous/beneficial and disadvantageous/ challenging periods that we may face during our lives. It is often true that when positive situations occur in our life we rejoice in them. But when negative or painful situations arise we instantly ask ourselves, “why me?’.

More than just simple predictions, nadi astrology is rooted in very profound spiritual understanding. Many times as difficult or negative things occur, we overlook the karmic reason that underlies these challenging times and the impact it has on our lives. The nadi astrology prophecies address exactly this.

Nadi astology leaves discuss past life karma

In our school days we learnt about cause and effect or actions and reactions, which are ever changing depending on the situation. For example, when we throw a ball at the wall – what happens? It bounces back at us.

Similarly, throughout our human lives we perform many different actions, and in turn face the obvious consequences of these. If the action is ‘positive’, or well intentioned, then more positive reactions begin to occur in life. In the same way, if the action is ‘negative’/self-serving then more painful or challenging consequences will likely occur in the future.

Our actions are the causes of the effects that we experience throughout our lives. While positive causes and effects are a great occurrence, let’s discuss in some detail the negative causes and the effects on human life that can follow.

In human life, curses can be the cause of the negative circumstances that we face. Nadi astrology and Karma are deeply interwoven topics. This is due to the predictions addressing the ripening and transformation of past life Karma.

From various different mythological works of the Maharishis, we have summarized 13 curses that cause severe impacts on human life. We see these as generalized categories that define various kinds of action taken from a very narrow, selfish, or egotistical point of view where the action serves only our limited idea of what is ‘right’ or ‘just’ and ignores any kind of loving aspiration to serve other beings.

past life karma is remedied through homa fire

These are:

  1. Woman curse
  2. Cadaver curse
  3. Guru curse
  4. Snake curse
  5. Ancestral curse
  6. Cow curse
  7. Land curse
  8. Water curse
  9. Tree curse
  10. Angel curse
  11. Rishi curse
  12. Tutelary Deity curse
  13. Family Deity curse

1. Woman curse:
This curse comes to a person who hurts or cheats a woman. It applies also in relationships where a mother, sister, wife, or daughter is left, unsupported or uncared for. The effect of the ‘woman curse’ is a blockage in regards to generation growth.

2. Cadaver curse:
Once a human being dies, the surrounding people should perform the funeral, and any acts or ceremonies regarding this human, in a respectful way. This curse comes to anyone that may speak ill of the dead, hinder a funeral, or stop a person that wishes to from attending a funeral. The Cadaver curse reduces longevity.

3. Guru curse:
This curse comes to anyone who disrespects their teacher, misuses the teachings or skills learned, or refuses to teach skills to others. The Guru (Teacher) curse has the effect of hindering education or rendering a person’s learned skill useless.

4. Snake curse:
Anyone that kills a snake for no reason, or destroys a snake hole, receives this curse. It’s effects cause a delay in your general life efforts, as well as in marriage.

5. Ancestral curse:
This curse may come to someone that does not perform the funeral rites for their ancestors, as well as anyone who neglects or doesn’t properly care for their parents or grandparents.

The ancestral curse may lead to miscarriage or abortion, death of the child, or no male children being birthed.

6. Cow curse:
A person that harms or kills a cow, or separates a cow and a calf may receive this curse. It may also come to anyone that leaves a cow to starve or be without water.

The effects of this curse will be no improvement within the family and generation.

7. Land curse:
Polluting the land is the cause of this curse. For example, throwing plastics or non-degradable particles onto the soil. As well as this, hitting or kicking the land out of anger may also be a cause.

The effect of the Land curse is enduring a hell-like torture while living.

8. Water curse:
Polluting water generates the water curse. Its effect in turn will be a scarcity of water.

9. Tree curse:
Burning or drying a tree, or cutting an old or well grown tree is a cause of this curse. The effects of it are diseases and loan issues.

10. Angel curse:
Contempt of God or interrupting a prayer to God leads to the Angel curse. The effect of the Angel curse is relationship issues.

11. Rishi curse:
The causes of the Rishi curse are insulting divine saints or insulting faithful devotees. The diminishing of the generation is its effect.

12. Tutelary Deity curse:
Tutelary deities are similar to the Christian concept of angels that protect a particular geographical area. Followers revere and pray to them. However any disrespect towards them causes the Tutelary Deity curse. This results in evil coming to a family.

13. Family Deity curse:
Certain families pray for generations to specific deities. We call these deities the Family deities. Disrespecting these deities can cause a powerful curse. It causes a sorrowful situation to occur in the family.

All of these curses describe how a person’s self centred actions and way of being can create ill effects on themselves or others.


A person generates positive vibrations by performing a spiritual or social service related to the curse. Consequently, these vibrations are able to gradually cleanse the curse. Thus the effects of that challenging or limiting karma diminish with time.

The 13th chapter of the palm leaf reading contains information about the previous lifetimes and any karma that may be affecting you in this lifetime.

However, The 14th chapter is perhaps the most important chapter of the entire palm leaf prediction. This is so because it contains prescribed remedies in the form of pujas. These are specific kinds of offering and prayer that use mantras to evoke specific energies. There are also other forms of service that can be done to balance the karmic circumstances of our lives.

More info on all of the chapters contained within the palm leaf prediction can be found in the additional chapter tab here.

To better understand your own karma and discover the remedies for your own karmic life circumstances, find your leaf now!

The legends say that thousands of years ago, a group of Indian sages perceived the lives of people living throughout all ages and wrote them onto the Palm Leaves. These manuscripts are stored in temple libraries all over the south of India.

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We help you to find your manuscript, have a reading online and receive the guidance of the sages. This guidance can assist you to overcome obstacles in your life, and understand your life from a higher perspective.

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