The Grace of the Palm Leaf Prophecies

“What if you could consciously connect with [the subtle level of this reality] and feel it unconditionally holding you, supporting, guiding and loving you in every aspect of your life?”

Subtle Dimension of Grace?
What if there was a subtle dimension of this reality that literally emanated love and support for this world and everyone in it?

What if you could consciously connect with that subtle dimension and feel it unconditionally holding you, supporting, guiding, and loving you in every aspect of your life?

What if that dimension was aware of you, and had a specific message for you? Was even offering you direct and tangible ways to meet, receive and work with the grace that it showers upon you?

What if it wanted you to know that you were loved, held, and supported and that if you allow it to if you were open to it you could step into allowing your life to unfold along a very complete and totally aligned trajectory?

Well you can… (to read a personal account of this kind of connection and understanding, check out this article, the personal account of a previous client after receiving his palm-leaf reading and beginning to perform the series of pujas prescribed)

The Indian Palm Leaf Prophecies

“Driven by Love for humanity the saptarishi wrote predictions, for the lives of many many thousands of beings. The purpose of these readings is to align the life of the recipient to its highest potential unfolding.”

Fore: Translator Saba during a Palm leaf horoscope reading. Behind: Sri Agastya

There are in fact many ways to open to these kinds of higher realms, to receive this kind of guidance and grace.

One of them is through the Indian Palm leaf readings.

Thousands of years ago, a group of sages, the Saptarishi who had the capacity to perceive the past, present, and future from outside of the mind’s linear viewpoint, ‘looked’ into the future.

Driven by Love for humanity and a kind of knowledge of the darkness and confusion that humanity would fall into in future times, they wrote predictions, like Jyotish horoscopes, for the lives of many many thousands of beings. The purpose of these readings is to align the life of the recipient to its highest potential unfolding.

The palm leaf readings in the form of Nadi astrology contain a large number of details about the life of the recipient. While this information may be exciting, inspiring, reassuring, and engaging for the mind, it is only a smaller part of the potential benefit of the palm leaf prophecies.

What Is a Palm Leaf Horoscope Reading

“The Indian palm-leaf prophecies also contain pujas and remedies that offer a kind of invitation to consciously meet the karmic situation of your life”

The primary purpose of the readings is to act as a kind of bridge between the seeker and the subtle dimension of the rishis. This bridge or connection is made simply through receiving your palm leaf prophecy either in person at an Indian palm leaf temple library or online through an organization like My Palm Leaf. To better understand the process of finding your leaf, see the How it Works page of our website.

The Nadi astrology contains intimate details about the life of a person. They offer clear and concise guidance on how to navigate certain challenging periods in life as well as how to make the most out of beneficial periods.

For example, praying to Hanuman during certain challenging periods related to the planet Saturn or good moments in which to start a spiritual business.

The Indian palm-leaf prophecies also contain a series of remedies and pujas, beyond the formal aspects of the practice. These pujas (simple ceremonies or offerings) are a kind of invitation to meet the karmic situation of your life (as described in the general chapter of the reading) consciously.

Karma and Nadi Leaf Astrology

“The process of working with pujas is both simple and with ever deepening layers of refinement and depth”

Consciously meeting our karma, our subconscious patterns and tendencies, traditionally believed to be built up through lifetimes of confusion and misguided actions, is the first step towards transforming it. This is a process of transmuting the energies latent in our subconscious.

The process of working with pujas is both simple and with ever-deepening layers of refinement and depth, in this video My Palm Leaf founder and CEO Stephan Oesterreicher explains and demonstrates the Shiva-Shakti full moon puja, commonly prescribed in the Nadi astrology predictions, to bring about healthy and fulfilling intimate/sexual relationships and marriages.

It is understood that working with particular forms of beneficial energies as represented by the various deities in the Hindu pantheon, has a kind of balancing/harmonizing effect on our karmic deposits. Similarly, how introducing the affirmation, ‘ you are worthy’ can begin to change the thought patterns of a person stuck in unworthiness

The Practice of Puja, The Real Grace of The Palm Leaves

“In opening yourself to perceive the subtle energies of the specific deities with which you are working you are essentially opening to subtle, impersonal, and universal manifestations of consciousness.”

Palm Leaf Horoscope reader Swami Velmurugan preparing a puja, Tamil Nadu, India

The practice of puja can have a subtler significance and effect on the sensitive practitioner. In opening yourself to perceive the subtle energies of the specific deities with which you are working you are essentially opening to (and making contact with, although it may take some time for this to become obvious) subtle, impersonal, and universal manifestations of consciousness.

In the beginning, it may not seem as though much happens. As you continue the practice you may occasionally notice a lightness, happiness, quietness, a sense of peace, and a feeling of being drawn almost against your will into meditation during, or just after practice. These and other sensations and experiences are the results of making contact with these subtle dimensions described earlier in this article.

Trusting Your Life is the Highest Grace

“Most important is the degree to which these experiences remind you that outside of your bubble of personality-based stories… there is a cosmic order and harmony to the universe.”

With time there may come even more subtle and refined flavors of connection or ‘blessing’ from these subtle dimensions, also called deities. Most important here is the degree to which these experiences remind you that outside of your bubble of personality-based stories, concerns, fears, desires, etc. there is a kind of cosmic order and harmony to the universe. An endless stream of grace, of which your body and mind and life story are like beautiful transient flowers, expressed for the joy of expression and very soon to be absorbed back into their source.

Acknowledging this presence is what is called trusting in life, or practicing the presence of God in the monotheistic traditions of the west.

Grace awaits you, and while it is always available and always supporting you, sometimes a physical aid can provide the inspiration and guidance that you need to make that connection. Make your connection now by heading to our booking page and arranging the reading of your own palm leaf prophecy.

The legends say that thousands of years ago, a group of Indian sages perceived the lives of people living throughout all ages and wrote them onto the Palm Leaves. These manuscripts are stored in temple libraries all over the south of India.

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We help you to find your manuscript, have a reading online and receive the guidance of the sages. This guidance can assist you to overcome obstacles in your life, and understand your life from a higher perspective.

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