Well-versed and trained priests commonly perform Homam or Homa, a fire ceremony as per the Vedas.
Above all, a Homam provides benefits for the welfare of the person who performs it as per the procedure. However, benefits also go to anyone the priest performs the ceremony for. Maharishi Thirumoolar explains various aspects and the importance of Homam in his book Thirumanthiram.
Consequently, the Homam fire ceremony is a very commonly prescribed form of karmic remedy in the Nadi leaves or palm leaf predictions. It is also highly beneficial in any moment for anyone seeking support in challenging or unclear moments of life.
Performing a Homam invokes positive vibrations for specific reasons. For instance, health, knowledge, perseverance, longevity, property, progeny, respect, youthful appearance, fame, success, etc.
It is generally considered that there are ‘108 things’ that are beneficial for the soma, the body/mind/soul. These 108 beneficial things constitute the offerings made in a Homam fire ritual. Which may be in the form of grains, ghee, milk, incense, and seeds for instance. Importantly, the divine fire consumes the offerings and in turn brings positive vibrations, in accordance with the mantras that are chanted by the priest while this takes place.
Maharishi Sri Thirumlar is one of the Siddhas (learn more about the siddhas, the originators of the palm leaf Nadi astrology horoscopes in this article) who received divine powers. Many believe him to have lived for many hundreds of years. His book, Thirumanthiram, is his exclusive spiritual work containing 3000 Tamil hymns. Every single one of them being a treasure of inspiration and wisdom for the present generation.
The Thirumanthiram has a set of 10 hymns that explain the Homam from Maharishi Sri Thirumoolar’s point of view.
Let us look at these in more detail:
A priest who is well-trained and well-versed in the Vedas will perform the Homam. They will put the ghee and any offerings into the divine fire, utilizing their training in focussed attention and discipline. Then, chanting the mantras, he makes offerings to the holy fire. Lastly, the Vedic priest expresses intention for the welfare of people, the environment, and for salvation (Moksha).
Performing homam to heavenly angels is a way to attain Moksha, liberation or salvation. Donations and charity are mandatory in Homam. Thirumoolar says that charity and donations also need to be an integral part of human life.
A perfect Homam brings harmony, unity, and mutual understanding between a husband and wife, just like for Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi.
Chanting mantras and giving offerings in the early mornings and evenings, with donations, is a Homam for the activation of the energetic spiritual chakras inside the human body. Initially, a homam activates the Muladhara chakra (Root chakra), bringing divine happiness. The opening and activation of this spiritual energy center invokes inner peace, resulting in people often feeling light in their mind and body.
The divine fire of a homam creates and spreads a holy light to its surroundings. Anyone who absorbs this sacred light will invoke the light of Ajna chakra, the chakra at the forehead between the eyes. Thirumoolar says that the Ajna chakra will bring clarity to the person and rid them of the darkness inside.
In a homam, the divine fire accepts various types of offerings (approximately 128 items). Thirumoolar states that as the fire consumes the offerings, it destroys the karmic impacts of human beings. Thirumoolar also says that the need to be reborn again (be reincarnated to have another life on earth) is sorrow. When the Homam fire removes the karmic impacts, that leads the person to Moksha, liberation, salvation or a state of no rebirth.
According to Thirumoolar, the greatest wealth available in human life is divine bliss. He also says that money, gold, or property are not true wealth. Therefore, people perform Homam with the intention to attain divine bliss or Moksha. Thus, through Homam, people also can attain the wealth of happiness and divine blessings.
According to Thirumoolar, Lord Shiva is the chief of Homam. Having graceful divine firelight, he is head of indestructible divine bliss. He is also said to emit a triple light from his 3 eyes. Further, he says that Lord Shiva spreads cool divine light all over the world. Thirumoolar states that homam is a disciplined penance.
Thirumoolar states that Lord Shiva resides inside the holy fire of the Homam. In Hindu culture, after a person dies, their body is cremated. Maharishi Thirumoolar sees Lord Shiva in the flames. Therefore, just as threads are weaved into good clothing, karmic threads are cleared and strength comes to the soul via a Homam fire.
Check out this short video of a Homa Fire Ceremony to see the ceremony being performed for a Mypalmleaf client:.
In conclusion, the holy divine Homam fire purifies a soul, leaving no karmic threads attached. Consequently, the main benefit of Homam is to free the soul from its heavy karmic impacts.
The incredible benefits of the Homam fire ceremony are available to all, not only to those who have had palm leaf readings, but to everyone who is open to receive the divine blessings.
Book your fire ritual and see the incredible transformation it can bring to your life.
published: 04/08/2022