What Is A Palm Leaf Reading?

At My Palm Leaf, we host every online palm leaf reading via Zoom. We connect the Indian palm leaf libraries with clients all around the world. In order to ensure a smooth, seamless flow, trained staff members moderate all calls.

I have moderated palm leaf readings for many months. Now I feel like sharing with you some of my experiences. Also, I think it would be interesting to open up a side of the process that not so many people get to see.

What is a Palm Leaf?
Let’s start from the start, in case some of you are new here.

A few thousand years ago there was a great spiritual master, Sri Agastya Maharishi. Along with a small group of fellow sages named the Saptarishi, sage Agastya composed a series of extremely detailed and refined predictions of the lives of many many thousands of people.

The Rishis wrote the predictions down on dried palm leaves, hence the name.

Librarians have stored these bundles of leaves, called Nadi’s, in temple libraries for centuries. They wait for the ones whose lives the rishis wrote within them. When the seeker arrives (the word Nadi in tamil means ‘seeker’), he or she meets with an experienced Nadi astrologer, or palm leaf reader and the process of finding the leaf of the seeker begins.

The matching process uses the thumbprint of the seeker to find bundles of possible palm leaves. The reader then asks Questions based on the contents of those leaves. The questioning continues until either all of the questions answer ‘yes’ and the leaf is found, or all of the questions answer ‘no’, and the palm leaf reader will go back to the library and search for new bundles of potential leaves.

Once the palm leaf is found, the palm leaf reading actually begins. This initial reading takes around an hour and contains copious details about the seekers life. Topics covered include health, business, travel, ownership of property, relationships, periods of difficulty (for example malefic Saturn periods).

Puja equipment

Of course in modern times it is no longer necessary to go to India to receive a reading in person. Visionary companies like My Palm Leaf and platforms like Zoom make it possible to get a reading from the comfort of your own home.

And that is where the moderator’s role comes in. At My Palm Leaf, moderators assist every Nadi leaf reading. This is an experienced assistant, who has themselves had a reading and performed their remedies.

The moderator is present before the reading begins to welcome the client, to make them feel comfortable and safe, and to explain the process of the reading. The moderator is present throughout the process of the reading, although usually without a camera or microphone.

Usually the role of the moderator entails helping the client to understand the questions that the reader asks them. Thus ensuring the client answers correctly.


Of course, there is a lot of information about the life of the seeker. There is also a lot of information about past life karma. This can sometimes be challenging to hear as the palm leaves may speak of certain Doshas, which are blockages coming from past lives and ancestral lineages.

These blockages include family, partner and child blocks to name just a few. In each case the block has the effect of interrupting our relationships in these areas, making it hard to have stable relationships, or healthy, close bonds with family.

However there are always solutions provided. As such, over and over, I’ve seen what initially sounds like ‘bad news’ become an invitation. The invitation to the client is to become fully conscious and responsible for the respective areas of life.


The response varies from client to client according, I suppose, to their level of readiness and willingness to face the real life situations that they are living. However it happens often that seekers come to the reading already aware of many of the issues that the leaves reveal.

When the client is ready, the magic happens. Of course neither astrology, numerology or any other predictive tool can change your life. But a reading worth its salt can offer you practical, tangible understandings of the path to transformation.

You yourself have to do the work. This is the bottom line in life, change doesn’t come if you just sit around with your hand out waiting. But you can choose to meet your life directly, without hiding or pulling back from it.


The Grace of The Palm Leaf Readings lies in the practice of the remedies. Actually the final section of a palm leaf reading is dedicated to explaining the prescribed remedies. These remedies include The Practice of Puja.

You may also be prescribed one or more acts of social/spiritual service. Finally you will likely be suggested to arrange one or more additional pujas, to be performed by a priest in a temple in India. These may include Athma Shanti, Homa fire or Mantra Yantra puja.

In applying these remedies huge changes begin to take place. Energy generated by the practice of the remedies interacts with your karmic patterns. Thus, transformation occurs.

Puja Plate with Ritual Items

As a yoga and meditation teacher, as well as moderating for My Palm Leaf I work with many people. What is obvious is that transformation happens to those who are ready for it.

What does readiness imply?

1. Gratitude –
Genuine gratitude, sometimes called the highest state of receivership, is the expression of a ship with open sails. Only then can you catch the constantly blowing winds of grace which bring transformation.

2. Simplicity –
Coming with an open mind (to anything, not just a palm leaf reading) creates the space to actually receive what’s being offered. Thus you are free from preconceived notions, expectations etc.

3. Humility –
Freedom from the assumption that ‘I know’ anything at all. Humility is an acceptance of who and what you are as you are.

In the end it’s not so complicated. Transformation is possible. The work is yours, but there is help literally sitting in a library waiting for you to ask. Ask, with gratitude for what you have, simplicity in your heart and humility, and that help is yours.

Are you looking for a change? If you’re feeling called and ready to do the work, check out our booking page and Find Your Leaf.

The legends say that thousands of years ago, a group of Indian sages perceived the lives of people living throughout all ages and wrote them onto the Palm Leaves. These manuscripts are stored in temple libraries all over the south of India.

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We help you to find your manuscript, have a reading online and receive the guidance of the sages. This guidance can assist you to overcome obstacles in your life, and understand your life from a higher perspective.

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